The region of Brittany (French: Bretagne), located in the westernmost part of mainland France, is known to French people as one of the country’s most popular vacation destinations. As one of the former Celtic nations, this region boasts a distinct culture, delectable local cuisines, and breathtaking rugged coasts that stretch the entire peninsula.

I had been lucky to have already visited this wonderful region: specifically, I went to the town of Concarneau, located on the southern coast of Brittany’s Finistère départment. Concarneau was my first destination in Brittany and great introduction to what this region has to offer.

How to get to Concarneau?

If you are taking a high-speed TGV train from Paris to Concarneau, the journey will take at least 5 hours. The fast train will head to the city of Rennes or the town of Lorient, where you will switch to a regional TER BreizhGo train to reach Rosporden, and then hop on a local bus to Concarneau.

If you are coming from Lille like me, the trip to Concarneau will take at least 7 hours. It takes about the same amount of time by car, except that you will drive through Normandy to reach Rennes, and then to Concarneau.

What to see in Concarneau?

Here are some photos I’ve taken myself during my visit in Concarneau:

People all over France visit Brittany for its beaches, picturesque coasts, campings, and influences of Celtic culture.
But there are beautiful strands of beaches laced with hotels, restaurants, cafés, as well as camping areas, ready to receive visitors who want to spend a fantastic beach holiday in Brittany.
View of the Closed City of Concarneau (Ville Close de Concarneau) from Port de Plaisance.
View from Concarneau’s Port de Plaisance.
Entrance view of the Closed City of Concarneau.
Dramatic view while entering the Closed City of Concarneau.
Tourists entering the Closed City of Concarneau.
The Joues de Porc Confites à la Bretonne is a must-try dish in this region. This can easily be found in one of the restaurants inside the walled town.
Narrow streets in Concarneau’s closed city is full of restaurants and shops, as well as curious tourists amazed at how this place stood the test of time.
View from the side entrance of the Closed City of Concarneau.
A shop selling colourful scarves in one of the narrow streets of the Closed City of Concarneau.
The buildings inside the Closed City of Concarneau features distinct design and architecture.
Visitors walk around the wall surrounding the Closed City of Concarneau.
Les Halles in the city centre of Concarneau is a must visit for those who love local markets.
Concarneau offers panoramic views of its coasts from its long boardwalk. It’s a great place to have a leisurely walk or a run to the white sand beach of Plage des Sables Blancs.
You can also explore Concarneau with a tourist train.
The southern coast of Brittany’s Finistère région is truly rocky yet scenic.
During summer, the beaches in Concarneau are filled with locals and tourists who enjoy its warm weather
Overjoyed by the view of the sea in Concarneau, Brittany.
The beaches in Concarneau can be quite warm, especially in the summer. No need to venture to southern France when you can have more in Brittany.
The entire coast in Concarneau is laced with large rocks that are exposed during low tide. People often climb on them or sit on them while enjoying the cool breeze and views of the blue sea.
Picturesque sunset on Brittany’s rugged coasts. Picture taken from a seaside restaurant while I was having a dinner with my then boyfriend over glasses of French wine.
Would you not rather have a nice stroll on this beach while enjoying a stunning sunset?
Hearty buffet breakfast in a hotel by the beach. Happy day!
Ditch Coca Cola and try something local.
While you’re at it, have some local mini-crepes Bretonne as well!
It was like a working holiday for me when I visited Concarneau and I loved it.
Having a glass of wine over this view is living the dream. This fabulous view of the sea was taken from the balcony from the Airbnb home we rented near Le Plage des Sables Blancs.
And here’s what you could be missing by not visiting Concarneau.
It’s a perfect destination for a holiday in Brittany especially if you enjoy hiking on scenic trails with views of the sea.
Visit Concarneau with your family, friends, and pets!

Have you been to Concarneau in Brittany? Share your thoughts below!

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