During my first vacation in Brittany in the town of Concarneau, I had an opportunity to do a trail run on the region’s scenic coasts. Here’s how it went.

Running in Concarneau

Concarneau offers many places for both road and trail runners. So, if you’re into running and you’ve chosen to spend your holiday in this city, you’re up for a treat.

I started my run on the beach of La Plage des Sables Blancs. From the beach, I headed towards a hill on the right side of the beach where you will find the head of a trail.

I started my first run in Brittany on the Plage des Sables Blancs in Concarneau.

The start of the trail was clear and wide. There were many interesting plants and bushes on the side. In particular, there were many wild blueberries, flowers, and trees covering many segments of the trail.

First epic view on the trail in Concarneau.

The start of the trail was clear and wide. There were many interesting plants and bushes on the side.

In particular, there were many wild blueberries, flowers, and trees covering many segments of the trail.

Occasionally, I bumped into other trail runners on the trails of Concarneau.

The trail also descended to small valleys and ascended to some hills. On one downhill slope, I was greeted with a fascinating view of a nearby beach which made me smile.

A snapshot of the Plage de 4 Sardines beach from one of my slopes on the trail.

Further down, I reached a small strand of beach called Plage des 4 Sardines. There were a few people sunbathing when I passed through here. I also saw so many black mussels stuck on the half-water exposed rocks on the beach.

There were also many viewpoints along the trail. Often, they feature dramatic craggy, sharp rocks with the waves from the clear blue sea walloping on their sides.

Typical rugged, rocky coasts in Brittany.

The trail curved to the right as soon as I reached the cove of Anse de Saint-Jean. There were many large streets that laced along the trail.

The trail run action near the Anse de Saint-Jean.

This portion of the trail was often dark as some segments were heavily covered overhead with large trees. On some parts, the trail was exposed to the view of cove. I could not resist to stop when I noticed it looked pleasant as in the video below.

The cove of Anse de Saint-Jean. It felt so good to see this view and to breathe some fresh air after running on the trails.

At the end of this trail segment, I was brought to a paved road.

After a short run by the side of the road, I turned left to enter the trail which passed through a stream and led to the viewpoint called Pointe de Saint-Jean.

Running on the trails lets me have a date with nature and enjoy what it has to offer. That’s why I love doing it.

This trail had more rolling hills, slopes, and often times, I hopped over many large roots of trees. It was such an adventure.

When I reached the viewpoint, I had to stop as the view was absolutely alluring. Of course, I had to do an obligatory selfie or this run did not happen. 😂

Obligatory pose on the Pointe de Saint-Jean viewpoint.

The trail segment from the viewpoint of Saint-Jean was even dimmer, thanks to the thick foliage above it. It also felt quite long.

The cove Anse de Saint-Laurent in Concarneau during low tide.
I saw a huge flock of seagulls in the cove Anse de Saint-Laurent.

After several minutes of running, I reached the main road again where I ran by the wayside for a bit more.

Back on the paved road after going through the trails of Pointe de Saint-Jean.

I had to be careful running here as there were many cars passing by. When the road was calm, I was having fun!

Someone is having a lot of fun in Brittany.

After a while, I turned to the left to enter a short trail heading to the Rue de Petit Manoir in La Forêt-Fouesnant. This farm road cut through a grove and a small village until I reached the beach of Kerleven where I clocked 5km into my trail run.

The Plage de Kerleven (Kerleven Beach) in the commune of La-Forêt-Fouesnant, approximately 5 kilometres from Concarneau’s Plage des Sables Blancs.
From the Plage de Kerleven beach, I ran back on the trails towards Concarneau and completed an amazing, scenic 10km trail run in Brittany. Loved it!

After a short sightseeing on the beach of Kerleven, I ran back through the same trails and returned to the Plage des Sables Blancs in Concarneau.

I was ecstatic to complete my first trail run in Brittany. I couldn’t wait to do it again here or some other place in this region.

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