JohnisOffline Blog Update

Happy New Year, everyone!

What a year it has been. The year 2023 ended with two wars we never asked for. Despite that, I am also glad that this blog was born. As one of my goals in 2024, I am delighted to announce that I will be activating the YouTube channel of

Here is the content you could expect in my upcoming videos:

  • Adventure series
  • Gadget reviews
  • Travel videos
  • and many more

Thanks for following this blog and see you on YouTube.

About Author

1 thought on “Subscribe to YouTube Channel

  1. Is there a link to the YouTube Channel you forgot to include?

    I like the idea of you coming back to the blogging world. To be honest, Facebook has gone so far downhill that I rarely visit it anymore. Seems all the friend’s posts get buried or never show in the feeds anymore.

    So with your blog, I can still see what’s going on with you and not have FB hide you away. LOL!

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