If there is one European city that is the most meaningful to me, it would be the city of Salzburg in Austria located on the southeast border of Germany.

Salzburg is well-known to many as the birthplace of the famous composer Mozart; to others, it is known for its appearance in the popular film Sound of Music. To me, Salzburg is the first city I’ve ever visited in Europe.

After landing in Munich’s Airport, I directly took a train to Salzburg and arrived at Salzburg’s Hauptbahnhof, its main train station, marking my first visit to a European city.

I first went to Salzburg to attend the wedding ceremony of my two close male friends from Germany and the United Kingdom at Salzburg’s Schloss Fuschl castle.

A memorable wedding between my two loving friends at Schloss Fuschl castle, near Salzburg. Their invitation to me to attend their wedding was the reason why I had the chance to visit Europe for the first time. Since then, my life changed and I came to embrace this part of our planet.

It was such a magnificent wedding experience that happened in a breathtaking place in Austria which I will always remember as it also opened the door for me to appreciate Europe and to meet a now long-time Austrian friend.

A photo at Mirabell Palace in Salzburg, Austria, with my Austrian friend, Ines.
A music video I made with my friend Ines in Salzburg. We sang a cover of a popular German song called “Ich Will, Ich Kann” (I can, I will).
The Mirabell Gardens in Salzburg, Austria.

For all these reasons, Salzburg became very special to me and it is always a pleasure to have the chance to visit Salzburg.

What’s more: I also consider Salzburg among Europe’s most beautiful cities. I remember how this city took my breath away when I first explored it on foot: I walked through its old town centre with narrow streets and features many stunning baroque buildings, I ran along the Salzach, a river that cuts through Salzburg, all the way down to the lovely castle of Hellbrunn in Salzburg’s southern suburb. That experience to me, was like as if I were in a film, except I was living the moments in real life.

A satisfying Austrian breakfast after my run.

I also had the chance to see the spectacular, sweeping views of the Austrian Alps from the peak of Salzburg’s Gaisberg.

A breathtaking sight of the Austrian Alps from Salzburg’s Gaisberg mountain.

Here are some snaps I’ve taken myself that show what you can expect to see in Salzburg should you plan to visit this lovely Austrian city.

A postcard-like view of the Old City of Salzburg from a bridge over the Salzach River.
An overlooking view of the city of Salzburg from the Fortress Hohensalzburg, a prominent castle built in the 11th century which sits on a hill.
The chic, narrow streets in the Old City of Salzburg feature fascinating handcraft shops and high-end brands for those who love to shop.
The Old City of Salzburg has many gigantic baroque churches waiting to be explored.
I also saw an apple tree for the first time in Salzburg!
The Skulptur Die Tänzerin near Salzburg’s Mirabell Palace.
A video of Salzburg’s old town during the Rupertikirtag festival. It’s like a mini Oktoberfest.

Have you been to Salzburg? What do you recommend doing in Salzburg? Write your thoughts in the comments!

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